Navitus Health Solutions Achieves an Industry-Leading PMPM Trend for 2017
MADISON, Wis., April 23, 2018 — Navitus Health Solutions, a full pass-through pharmacy benefits company, released its 2017 drug trend report today stating that it continued to provide substantially lower costs for its clients in 2017, achieving an industry leading net cost per member per month (PMPM) of $76.56 across its commercial business, which is 15.5 percent lower than the industry average of $90.66 PMPM. The report also states that Navitus’ trend management efforts have resulted in a cumulative savings of $62.35 PMPM over the past five years, compared to the industry average.
“We’re committed to taking the unnecessary costs out of pharmacy benefits and to making prescriptions more affordable for both our clients and their members,” said Tom Pabich, SVP of Business Development and Client Services. “And we’re very pleased that in an industry challenged with price inflation and specialty drug utilization increases that we were able to help our clients reduce their costs.”
Other key highlights from the report include:
- Forty-percent of clients experienced a negative PMPM trend
- Clients new to Navitus in 2017 saved an average of 17 percent in drug cost
- Plan sponsors from a wide variety of industries that transitioned to Navitus and adopted recommended cost-reduction strategies, achieved a significant PMPM trend savings of up to 30 percent
Navitus attributes its success in managing to a low PMPM to its unique pass-through approach combined with a lowest-net cost philosophy and quality clinical care model. In addition, clients can choose from a variety of cost-reduction strategies ranging from network management and generics, to formulary management and specialty pharmacy to gain greater control over expenses and provide clinical support to improve member health.
“Our unique pass-through model is what ultimately enables us to provide greater savings and full alignment with our valued clients,” Pabich said. “Using this model, we pass 100 percent of pharmacy network discounts and manufacturer rebates directly to our clients.”
“We’re pleased with the positive results we’ve been able to achieve for our clients in 2017,” said Brent Eberle, SVP and Chief Pharmacy Officer. “However, we know the challenge to manage costs and improve health is far from over. With specialty pharmacy spend continuing to grow over the next few years and several potential cost drivers on the horizon including treatments for anti-migraine, oncology and multiple sclerosis, we will be working diligently to continue to innovate and refine solutions to better meet our clients’ needs.”
To get a copy of the Navitus Health Solutions 2017 Drug Trend Report, here.
About Navitus
Navitus Health Solutions, LLC, a subsidiary of SSM Healthcare Corporation, is a full-service, URAC-accredited pharmacy benefit management company. As a zero-spread, full pass through pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), Navitus aligns performance with plan sponsors’ benefit goals to deliver comprehensive clinical programs and cost-saving strategies that lower drug trend and promote good member health. Navitus provides its flexible services to government entities, self-funded employers, coalitions, labor organizations, third-party administrators, and health plans, including managed Medicaid, Exchanges, and Medicare Part D. For more information about Navitus’ solutions to rising health care costs, visit or call 877-571-7500.
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