
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) (Pharmacy)

How do Navitus members qualify to participate in the MTM program?

To qualify, your plan sponsor needs to participate in the Navitus MTM program and members must meet a set of requirements that their plan sponsor developed. After members are identified as possible participants, they are invited to sign up for the program. To sign- up, members must contact the MTM program team at the toll-free number provided by your plan sponsor. They then opt-in to the program. Members may be asked to provide contact information for themselves and their prescribers.

What is Navitus’ Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program?

The MTM program uses specially trained clinicians to review the medical conditions for which MTM participants use medications. The clinicians give suggestions to make participants’ medication therapies more effective, safer and less costly.

What is the purpose of the MTM program?

The MTM program’s main goal is to improve the overall level of medical care. It is also meant to improve health outcomes for participating members.

Should participants notify their prescribers about participating in this program?

Yes, participants should tell the prescribers treating them. Navitus shares information with their health care professionals only after getting participants’ consent.

What do MTM clinicians and program participants discuss during MTM telephone appointments?

MTM clinicians call program participants to discuss medical conditions and the medications prescribed for these conditions. Participants are encouraged to talk about possible issues and concerns. Clinicians share suggestions for more effective, safer and less costly medication therapies.

What resources do MTM participants receive?

MTM participants get a copy of their personalized comprehensive medication review (CMR) and medication record developed by a MTM clinician to help talk with their health care professionals. The materials document the activities managing member medications. They also help manage appointments, medications and laboratory results.

Once enrolled, do participants have to stay in the program for a certain period of time?

No, the MTM program is voluntary. Participants can stop being in the program at any time. They are allowed to participate again at a later time, if they wish. There is no cost to Navitus members to enroll or re-enroll in this program.

Does Navitus offer MTM services to members with special language needs?

Spanish language interpreters are available to assist members.